Celebrating World Gorilla Day with Robin Williams & Gorilla Koko

Yiying Lu
2 min readSep 25, 2020


Today is 24 September, the World Gorilla Day 🦍🎉. It is a day to take action in the conservation efforts to protect gorillas in the wild.

I want to celebrate this special day by sharing one art piece I created a few years ago: Robin Williams & Gorilla Koko.

I initially created this art piece back in 2014, when I encountered this beautiful video of a gorilla named Koko tickling the great Robin Williams.

While this video’s quality is a little dated, it is a must-watch, and it will brighten up your day. Not only is the legendary actor and comedian Robin Williams paling around with Koko, a gorilla who is fluent in American Sign Language, but what these two interact with each other will melt your heart.

At one point, right after Koko takes off and wears Williams’ eyeglasses, she begins to go through his pockets and steals his wallet! Then, suddenly, Koko starts signing “tickle” to Williams. This sweet gorilla wants nothing more than to get tickled by the great Robin Williams. Of course, Robin obliged and then cuteness ensued.

I wanted to capture this moment by creating this art piece, not only as a tribute to Robin, who is one of my favorite comedians and actors, but also a tribute to love between humans and nature.

The symbol of Yin and Yang inspired the composition. I was interested in showing that Robin and Koko (Human and Nature) are interconnected and interdependent in the natural world and give rise to each other as they interrelate with one another.

They are hugging each other and tickling each other in the art, and their forms grouped as the shape of a heart.




Yiying Lu

Artist of @Twitter 🐳 | Designer of 🥟🥡🥠🥢🦚 emojis • @Adobe Creative Ambassador | Cross-Cultural Brand Design | Bilingual @TEDx Speaker | @IDEO @Disney Alum